
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Strike the bullseye with your paint

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is laid upon a small, circular, red mat on the steps of the Taskmaster house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Strike the bullseye with your paint.

You must only step on the stepping-stones, and you must step on all of the stepping-stones.

Also, your hands must be below your waist at all times.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place outside of the Taskmaster house, where a course of stepping-stones (small, circular, red mats with the TM logo) has been set up between the doorstep and the decking.
  • The contestants come out of the house wearing a helmet, to the top of which has been attached a shallow dish, and a GoPro camera.
  • Before they read the task brief, Alex squirts paint into the shallow dish.
  • The stepping-stones lead over a low-slung bunting barrier and then into, and around, the inside of the plastic igloo, before running around the side of the house, where some more bunting is set up at a higher level, forcing the contestants to duck or limbo beneath it.
  • The stepping-stones then run out, leaving a gap on the lawn, so the contestants must return to collect some of the previous stepping-stones to bridge the gap.
  • Once they reach the decking, the contestants have to climb under or over the rope barriers around its edge, before following the stepping-stones to the paper target positioned at its centre.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Despite Dara completing the task fairly quickly, stepping on all of the stepping stones, including the ones in the dome, but lifted his hands above his waist to adjust his goggles, so was disqualified from the task.
  • Fern took 5 minutes and 30 seconds to complete the task, but struggled to get into the wrestling ring without lifting her arms above her waist, and missed the stepping stones in the dome, so was disqualified.
  • John spent time at the beginning to try and reread the task as the wind kept blowing it away from him. He then struggled to get through the course's bunting obstacles, and struggled to get into the wrestling ring. He completed the task in 8 minutes and 3 seconds, but raised his arms above his waist, and failed to step on the stepping stones in the dome, so was disqualified.
  • Despite taking only 1 minute and 30 seconds to strike the bullseye with his paint, and keeping his hands below his waist, Munya failed to step on all the stepping stones in the dome that he had noticed earlier, so was disqualified from the task.
  • Sarah continually lifted her arms above her waist to check the height of her helmet camera, and she missed the stepping stones in the dome, so was disqualified from the task.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)


Notes on task scores

  • Every single contestant manages to breach at least one of the rules of the task, so no-one earns any points.