About TaskMaster.Info
Welcome to TaskMaster.Info, the online database of a Taskmaster obsessive!
I discovered the original British version of the show Taskmaster in 2018, and was hooked from the moment that I watched Romesh Ranganathan slam a watermelon into the floor and then try to choke himself to death with it.
My journey into the extended international Taskiverse began with a watch of the disappointing American adaptation, but then kicked into high gear once I watched the first season of the excellent Taskmaster NZ. Reassured that it was, in fact, possible to adapt the show in other countries without completely fucking it up, I sought out how to watch the other international versions, and then began building this database to document them in February 2021.
Obsessively document the entire international Taskmaster franchise.
You may enlist similarly obsessed fans to help you achieve your goal.
You have until the franchise is long dead and forgotten, or until you die, whichever comes first.
You may not interfere with the production of any shows in an attempt to truncate their lifespans, or step on the red green.
Your time started in early February 2021.
At the current time, the site has details of 11,033 attempts at 4,020 tasks, from 757 episodes, of 116 seasons or specials, of 16 versions of the format.
The database is by no means finished, of course. For starters, I don't yet have all the details recorded for all the attempts at all the tasks already on the site. On top of that, I have to try to keep up with all the new seasons of multiple versions of the show coming out every year (and since I started building the site, four additional adaptations have started airing, and one has moved to putting out two seasons per year instead of one).
I've taken the liberty of imagining some questions you might have for me, below.
QIPYMAs (Questions I Presume You Might Ask)
How are you deciding which tasks are 'original' and which are 'adapted'?
Honestly, this is a somewhat subjective decision each time I make it, and I recognise that I may not be entirely consistent about how I group tasks together. The decisions are also generally based on when the tasks were broadcast, since I have no way of knowing precisely when each of them was actually filmed. I also recognise that simultaneous invention is a real phenomenon, and that there have been cases where similar tasks have appeared on different adaptations of the show without the task writers having any knowledge of the other version.
How are you categorising tasks as 'creative', 'mental', 'physical', or 'social'?
Again, this is a very subjective determination, and it could be argued that all tasks involve elements of all four categories. In fact, I categorise most tags under at least two of these categories, unless the emphasis of the objective of the task clearly falls into just one area.
Why are there detailed records of task attempts for some episodes but not others?
Quite simply, because there are only 24 hours in a day, and I have a full-time job already. The process of writing up the task attempts for a single episode in any detail is extremely time-consuming. While there are some kind volunteers helping to write up task attempts for episodes where they are missing, I do have to proofread everything before it gets added to the database, so the work can only happen so quickly.
Will you add my fan version of Taskmaster to your database?
Sorry, but for my own sanity, and to keep things clean and clear, this site is about the official adaptations of the Taskmaster format only.
Thank you!
Keeping this site remotely up-to-date would not be possible without all of the work being done by members of the fandom to: source copies of episodes; transcribe, translate, resync, and proofread subtitles; write and proofread episode outlines and task attempts; collect and adjust screengrabs; and source and translate additional information from other sources.
Many thanks to all of the following people for their contributions over the years (those in bold are regular contributors who help me keep my head above water): CrimsonFox, DangBream, David Fuller, FastFooer, fattymaggo, floofstrid, folketinget, Gugi, Hanny Time, isosamep, Jan Harald, jdhjem, Jenny R, JoGo, Juan, JummyInMyTummy, JW_00000, Lewl77, M3 / Andres Sanchez, Majestic_Wrangler_86, MarkoSeke, moskillius, msbtvxq, NameOfNobody, Nic Greyson, oakislandtk, orrikan, Paul Johnstone, Rikuz7, S-C, SteffeSteffe, Sugarh0rse, Sulimonstrum, the-little-kicks, tribbletown, TRoosevelt1776, Tuppenella, twkeever, vinkekatten, Wilbur, Will G, yellowrainboot, zadorvp, all the Taskmaster Wiki contributors, and everyone else at Taskmaster Worldwide Inc.
Many thanks also to all the members of the various production teams and media companies who have been open to answering my questions, or providing promotional images over the years, including: Bjørn Håvard Mittet, Jack Pelling, Karl Sundin, Mads Engquist, Onni Ojala, Petter Bristav, and Sam Smith.