
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Achieve an impressive effect with a single breath

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is received in the lab, where it is initially stood on end, on the table, before Alex blows it over (for everyone except Frankie, who grabs it before he gets a chance). The brief for the task is as follows:

Achieve the most impressive effect with a single breath.

You must take your breath and achieve your effect within the next 20 minutes.

Task notes

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Mae leaves the lab and returns with a box of supplies, stating "This is just phase one". They then collect and assemble a large collection of other objects, creating a long pipe which stretches from the front door of the house, down the hallway (supported by a variety of objects), and into the lab. The plan is to blow a marble down the pipe with one breath, and for it to fall out of the other end, hitting a small xylophone on the floor of the lab. After kissing the marble and sending it on its way, it can be heard rolling around inside the tubes for some time, and then pops out and lands exactly on target, playing a single note on the xylophone. In the studio, Greg is very impressed with both Mae's approach to the task, and the end results, but ultimately decides that the "bing" at the end of their attempt was not a "5-point bing". He therefore awards them four points instead.
  • Kiell heads out to the shed to find supplies for the construction of what he intends to be a complex and impressive Rube Goldberg-esque contraption. He collects drainpipes, pool noodles, and foam bricks for his construction, which begins on the roof of the shed, and descends onto the wooden decking. For some reason, he accessorises his construction with a rubber duck wearing a mop head as a wig. As he begins to test his device, rolling a golf ball down a length of drainpipe, it becomes apparent that he is not successfully realising his vision, as the contraption easily falls apart, and the golf ball does not end up following the path he intended. He ends up abandoning whatever plans he had for the golf ball, once it reaches the decking, and instead places a colander at the bottom of the drainpipe, to catch the ball. He also places another rubber duck in the colander, for no apparent reason. He gets up on a ladder on the other side of the shed, holds another length of drainpipe across the shed roof, and holds the golf ball level with the end of the pipe, in his hand. His plan is to blow the ball down the pipe, so it will roll down and into the second pipe, before landing in the colander. However, he is both blowing at the golf ball from the wrong angle (above and from the side, rather than from behind), and is also unable to muster a strong enough puff of air to move it. He ends up blowing on it multiple times, with no effect, before essentially just tipping the ball off of his hand and down the tube, with no breath involvement. The ball does manage to find its way into the second tube, and enters the colander, but then rolls straight back out again, due to its momentum, ending up loose on the decking. In the studio, Greg is suitably unimpressed with the results, but compliments Kiell's high level of confidence in what he was doing, even though the end results were awful. After Greg awards Jenny and Ivo just 1 point each, Alex steps in to question whether he's actually going to award Kiell more points than them, when he "blew at a golf ball three times, but nothing happened". Greg admits that he's been "hypnotised" by Kiell's charm, and had been about to award him 2 points that he didn't deserve. He instead awards Kiell joint last place, along with Jenny and Ivo.
  • Jenny's initial instinct is that she needs to find a dying frog or bird, so she can give it mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. She eventually settles instead on 'saving' the caravan, by setting fire to a loose thread on one of the caravan's curtains, and then blowing the flame out before it eaches the curtain itself. After she's blown it out, Alex checks that it's okay to stand down "all of the fire officers", and a shot is shown of multiple members of the production crew stood nearby, holding hosepipes, buckets of water, and fire extinguishers. Greg awards her joint last place, with Ivo and Kiell.
  • Before Alex has a chance to attempt to blow the task brief over with his breath, Frankie obliviously snatches it up in his hand and starts opening it. His 'impressive effect' involves him and Alex setting up ladders against the fence between the Taskmaster house and the golf course, and peeking over the top, waiting for a golfer to arrive and tee off for a round. As such a golfer is about the begin his swing, Frankie then blows a whistle to distract him, and the pair duck back down to hide behind the fence. In the studio, Greg admits to being impressed by "Frankie Boyle being a naughty boy", and Frankie states that "Everyone hates golf." He follows this up by saying that he's never really played the game, because he's not "trapped in a loveless marriage" (thus coining the episode title). Alex shares that Frankie's initial ideas had been to blow a whistle in a matinee or a church. After Greg begins to suggest that none of the contestants' attempts were good enough to warrant the award of 5 points, Frankie asks him whether perhaps he's just become "jaded with the concept of the show". Greg ultimately decides to award Frankie three points.
  • After Alex blows the task brief over on the table. Ivo keenly attempts to blow it across the table with his own breath, but fails. His first idea is to blow out a candle, to render a room completely dark, but acknowledges that that would be quite boring television content. He then suggests he could try to get onto live radio on his phone, and then just breath out heavily on air. He first tries to call BBC Radio 5 Live, which broadcasts a lot of discussion shows with phone-ins, but does not manage to get through to anyone. He then decides to try to call Greg Davies himself, but only succeeds in reaching Greg's voicemail service. Unwilling to let go of the idea of breathing down a phone, but realising that perhaps he needs to add something else to make it more impressive, he leaves the lab and returns with a selection of stemmed drinking glasses, which he arranges on the floor, and surrounds with cushions. Apologising for what he anticipates will be "wilful damage of fancy glassware", he then calls series 9 contestant Ed Gamble and, when Ed answers his call, attempts to blow a basketball off the table, and onto the glassware with just his breath. However, he soon discovers that his breath is not as powerful as he imagined, and it takes him multiple attempts before he is able to get the ball rolling. The ball then lands on the glasses below but does not break a single one of them. He then reveals to Alex that Ed had hung up anyway. Ivo's last words of his attempt are "It feels like one point, doesn't it?". Greg agrees, awarding Ivo joint last place with Jenny and Kiell.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)