
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Know the most facts about sausages

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Know the most facts about sausages.

You have 100 seconds to learn some facts about sausages.

Best score in the sausage exam wins.

Task notes

  • The contestants are each seated at an old-fashioned school desk on stage, and each of them has a small chalkboard and piece of chalk to write down their answers.
  • Inside each of their desks, they find a sausage fact sheet, which provides all of the facts that they need to know to do well in the test, plus some extra ones that are completely unnecessary.
  • The facts on the fact sheet include the following: The minimum meat content of a UK pork sausage is 42%; Queen Victoria liked the meat in her sausage hand-chopped; The casing of a sausage is traditionally made from intestines; The longest sausage ever created was 38.99 miles long; The record for the most sausages swallowed whole in one minute is 12; Gene Courtney was crowned Sausage Queen in 1955; The Democracy Sausage hails from Australia; The word 'sausage' comes from the Latin word 'salsus', meaning 'salted'.
  • The questions that Greg asks them during the exam are: "What was the first name of the Sausage Queen of 1955?"; "How did Queen Victoria like the meat in her sausage?"; "What is the minimum meat content of a pork sausage in the United Kingdom?"; "What nationality is a Democracy Sausage?"; and "What is the casing of a sausage traditionally made from?".
  • As a shortcut for those who find it, the five actual answers to the questions they will be asked are also written on the back of the fact sheet, in a single sentence ("Gene chopped 42 Australian intestines").

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Before the task begins, Frankie asks whether, if he already knows "quite a lot about sausages", he will have to recuse himself. He is the first contestant to realise that he can use his chalkboard to make notes during the revision period. His answers to the exam questions were as follows: he thought the Sausage Queen was named 'Gene'; he thought that Queen Victoria liked her sausage meat 'chopped'; he thought that sausages in the UK must contain at least '8%' meat; he thought that Democracy Sausages were 'American'; and he thought that sausage casings were traditionally made from 'fuck knows'. He therefore gets two of his answers correct, and earns joint third place in the task.
  • Ivo is the only contestant who figures out that the answers to the exam are written on the back of the sausage fact sheet. After Greg brings attention to the fact that Frankie is making notes on his chalkboard, Ivo does the same (presumbly just writing down what he suspects to be the five answers he will need). Unsurprisingly, Ivo gets all five of the answers correct, and wins the task.
  • After Greg brings attention to the fact that Frankie is making notes on his chalkboard, Jenny does the same, writing down "Sausage Queen", "42%", and "5,000". Her actual answers to the exam questions were as follows: she thought the Sausage Queen was named 'Queen of Sausage'; she thought that Queen Victoria liked her sausage meat 'chopped (not minced)'; she thought that sausages in the UK must contain at least '42%' meat; she thought that Democracy Sausages were 'Danish'; and she thought that sausage casings were traditionally made from 'intestines'. She therefore gets three of her answers correct, and earns second place in the task.
  • Kiell spots the answers on the back of the sausage fact sheet, but believes that they will be the answer to a secret extra question at the end of the exam, rather than the actual answers he will need for all of the questions. After Greg brings attention to the fact that Frankie is making notes on his chalkboard, Kiell does the same. His answers to the exam questions were as follows: he thought the Sausage Queen was named 'Victoria'; he thought that Queen Victoria liked her sausage meat 'mixed'; he thought that sausages in the UK must contain at least '48%' meat; he thought that Democracy Sausages were 'Taiwanese'; and he thought that sausage casings were traditionally made from 'intestines'. He therefore gets just one of his answers correct, and earns last place in the task.
  • Mae attempts to block out any distractions from their sausage revision by blocking their ears with their fingers. After Greg brings attention to the fact that Frankie is making notes on his chalkboard, Mae does the same. Their answers to the exam questions were as follows: they thought the Sausage Queen was named 'Greg'; they thought that Queen Victoria liked her sausage meat 'cold'; they thought that sausages in the UK must contain at least '42%' meat; they thought that Democracy Sausages were 'American'; and they thought that sausage casings were traditionally made from 'intestines'. They therefore get two of their answers correct, and earn joint third place in the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)


Notes on task scores

  • Although the contestants' sausage exam scores, marked out of 5, are shown on screen at the end of the task, these scores do not represent the actual task points earned.
  • Jenny, who scored 3 out of 5, earns 4 task points.
  • Frankie and Mae, who both scored 2 out of 5, earn 3 task points.
  • Ivo and Kiell, who scored 5 and 1 out of 5, respectively, do earn that same number of task points, though.