
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Celebrate an emerald wedding anniversary

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make a relevant feature to celebrate Inga's and Steffen's emerald wedding anniversary.

You have 10 minutes to interview them and eight weeks to prepare your feature.

The most relevant feature wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Sofie presents the couple with their favourite dish: roast lamb. She also reveals that she met the couple’s two children, and presents a few (staged) pictures of her accidentally pouring her coffee all over Inge and Steffen’s daughter’s shirt, making the children angry. She also wrote a tribute song for the couple, which she has the whole audience sing (she repurposed the melody from the song In a Basement Black as Coal). The translated lyrics are as follows: “Dear Inge and Steffen, the day has finally arrived. / Huge party in the Glass Hall, that’s just the thing. / We have to shout a loud hurrah for an old super couple. / Let’s just toast before we have to bawl! / Cheers! / Seminar at Hong Hotel; Monrad, he was the principal. / Talked everyone half to death, Steffen had to stretch himself. / Beheld a stunning sight, thought “She is not from town.” / Cupid’s arrow had hit him, there was only one way forward. / Inge went to Steffen’s home, had to take the chance. / Saw him for a long time as a friend, but then the romance hit. / Steffen in the lap of luxury, Inge fit in his house. / One lovely piece of teacher brought down by a hunter. / 55 great years, you can be proud. / That’s not something many reach. Love lasted. / Dear Steffen, dear Inge, I can smell the top points. / Help a humble woman out, let me win this thing.” Sofie comes third.
  • Jonas begins by sharing a story about risalamande (Christmas dessert with a single almond hidden inside), and how when he was a child, his grandfather would slip the almond to Jonas under the table so he could pretend he’d found it. Jonas shares that he does not like risalamande, but that every time he smells it, he’s reminded of his grandfather. He then reveals that he took a trip out near Vester Hassing Hede (a parish where Steffen was once stationed), where Steffen and Inge lived when they first married. Jonas gathered various bits of nature from the area and distilled it into a fragrance oil for them as a “potpourri of memories”. He also presents them with a board, so they can make their door at the height they were used to [this is in reference to one of them telling Jonas that the door frame on their first house was too low]. Jonas comes second.
  • Linda decides to present two different things, each tailored for one member of the couple. For Steffen, Linda writes a poem, and enlists Mark’s help while she delivers it. At various points in the poem, Mark covers Steffen’s eyes, and a male stripper comes out and dances for Inge. Linda’s tribute is all about the joke, as evidenced by her nonsense poem; it’s possible that she ad-libbed the poem while she was presenting it. Linda’s translated poem is as follows: “Dear partnership. At times you require different things. / I have written you a poem, sir, while your wife receives art. / A rose I saw slide off the exit. However, look at my eyeballs, Fenris. / The moral is: never slip in the eggshell – there’s a train arriving on the tracks.” Linda comes joint fourth.
  • Simon dresses as a dog, and – backed by a choir dressed as prisoners, in reference to Inge’s time working as a prison chaplain – delivers a comedic speech to the couple: “Dear Inge and Steffen. How impressive you are. Hunter soldier and elementary school teacher. A special force under extreme pressure and almost daily psychological torture – and Steffen was a hunter. Inge, I have worked in a nursery, kindergarten and SFO [after school care]. You are a greater hero than all hunter soldiers combined. Explained in a military jargon that you’ll understand, Steffen: children’s temperament ignites without warning. They are impossible to disarm, even after being fed fruit. As if that was not wild enough, you both became pastors. At Soro in Muke Bjergby and Kirke Brandrup, just in the vicinity of Hogwarts. Inge, as a prison chaplain, you told me that you strike a blow for humour in a harsh environment. In harsh environments it’s good to make room for humour. It warms my comedian heart. I talked to the prison choir before the show. One of them said, “I only sold drugs for fun.” I should explain that they love Kim Larsen [long-popular singer songwriter], so I would have them humming Kim Larsen, but there’s something about copyright, and TV2...so it’s just “do do do”. Also, the real prison choir couldn’t make it, as they were busy being in jail. To this day, you still love each other and life. You go for walks with your labradoodle Pjong, named after a childhood dog. I am so fond of the two of you. So, once you're ready to replace him, I would like to step in as Pjong 3.” Simon earns joint fourth place.
  • Tobias, backed by guitarist Felix Diarra, writes a song for the couple, based on a few things said during the interview (most notably, when Steffen was asked about being tempted by other women, Steffen responded “You can’t control whether a bird lands on your head, but you can make sure it does not build a nest”), but largely drawn from a letter Steffen had written to Inge during his time as a soldier in the Cold War, which he had loaned to Tobias. The translated lyrics to the song are as follows: “My thoughts go to Inge. They go back and forth. / They say bombs are coming, so I keep my eyes on Moscow. / Maybe a little bird lands on top of a soldier’s head. / But as long as it does not build a nest, Inge-girl says it’s okay. / That shit is love, it’s real, it’s honesty. / All that Inge-girl lives with is love and tolerance. / Yeah, it’s just respect for the distance. / Would love to eat at home with you but sometimes I end up on the station. / Such is the case with men on the go. / I'm in the military to fill up the bank and give you a child and a house along the way. / More kids, bigger house along the way, Inge. / Inge. Inge, you are my angel. / There is no one like Inge. / There is no one like Inge. / No, no, there’s only Inge. / No one like Inge. No one like Inge. / Maybe we’ll be lucky to have grandchildren one day, / And watch love spread like rings in the water. / Inge-girl, take my word. Will you take me again? I will never go back. / But there’s a ship from the Soviet Union approaching land. / I have to go back to my job. / Kiss, kiss, from your husband. / Kiss, kiss, to Inge. / Inge, you are my angel. / There is no one like Inge.” Tobias wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)