
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make a beer mat house while ringing the doorbell with increasing frequency

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Build the best house out of beer mats on this table.

While you're building, you must ring the doorbell after exactly one minute.

Then you have to ring it again after 58 seconds, then 56 seconds, then 54 seconds, and so on.

If you make more than two mistakes, you will be disqualified.

Best house wins.

Your time ends when you ring the doorbell for the last time.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the study, where there are two baskets full of beer mats, featuring the Stormester logo on one side, and a portrait of Lasse on the other.
  • It is later revealed that the doorbell may be removed from its location and brought into the house, since it transmits a signal to the bell wirelessly (hence the delay of a second between pressing the button and the sound activating).

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Martin initially creates a messy stack of beer mats on the table but then, for some reason, decides to start building on the back of the adult-size zebra rocking horse he had ridden into the room at the start of the task. He then brings in a smaller version of the zebra and also creates a stack of beer mats on the back of that one. For building in the wrong place, he is disqualified.
  • Sebastian decides to just build straight upwards, and create a beer mat skyscraper. He tops the structure with two beer mats lent against one another to form an apex. Lasse awards him third place for his somewhat unimaginative structure.
  • Simon uses pieces of tape to stick some of the beer mats together into sheets that he can use for the walls and roof of his structure. He also builds a triangular section that sits on top of the structure, giving his beer mat house a unique design. Lasse awards him first place for constructing the best house.
  • Eva immediately decides to remove the doorbell and bring it into the study, to make the task easier. She attempts to build a Gothic cathedral with the beer mats but, despite not needing to leave the room, she still manages to make too many mistakes with the timing of ringing it, and is disqualified.
  • Because Julie filmed her attempt after Eva, the doorbell was somewhat loosely attached to the doorframe, and kept falling off when Julie rang it. However, it took her multiple trips back and forth before she realised she could just bring it back inside the house with her, instead reattaching it several times. She creates a three-level structure by just balancing the beer mats against one another. Lasse awards her second place for her house.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)