
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ducks in jars

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Most ducks in the jar wins.

When the test starts, you may peek in your jar and call out the amount of ducks inside.

You do not need to tell the truth.

Taking turns, you may either keep your jar, or switch it with another contestant.

If a switch occurs, both contestants must again call out the amount of ducks in their new jar.

The contestant with the most ducks in their jar when the test is over wins.

You may peek in your jar on David’s signal.

Task notes

  • This task takes place during the ‘middle of the show’ segment, as a game titled ‘Flest Ankor I Burken Vinner’ (‘Most Ducks in the Jar Wins’).

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Marko looks in his jar first, and says he has twenty ducks (he actually has one). Marko is the first to be given the option to switch, and he switches with Evelyn. Looking in the new jar, he declares that it has ten ducks (it actually has three). Marko ends up with three ducks, and earns third place.
  • Nikki looks in her jar second, and says she has eight ducks (she actually has two). Nikki is the second to be given the option to switch, and she switches with Linnéa. Looking in the new jar, Nikki declares that it has twelve ducks (it actually has five). Linnéa retakes her jar, on her turn, but neither Nikki nor Linnéa are shown announcing a duck total from their new jars. Nikki ends up with one duck, and earns last place.
  • Evelyn looks in her jar third, and says she has twelve ducks (she actually has three). Marko takes her jar, and she declares that her new jar has ten ducks (it actually has one). Evelyn is the third to be given the option to switch, and she switches with Linnéa. Looking in the new jar, she says that it has eight ducks (it actually has two). Evelyn ends up with two ducks, and earns fourth place.
  • Henrik looks in his jar fourth, and says he has 24 ducks (he actually has four). Henrik is the fourth to be given the option to switch, but he does not take it. Henrik ends up with four ducks, and earns second place.
  • Linnéa looks in her jar last, and says she has three ducks (she actually has five). Nikki takes her jar, and Linnéa declares that her new jar has eight ducks (it actually has two). Evelyn takes her jar, and Linnéa declares that her new jar has four ducks (it actually has one). Linnéa is the last to be given the option to switch, and she decides to take her original jar back from Nikki (neither she nor Nikki are shown announcing a duck total from their new jars). Linnéa ends up with five ducks, and wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)