
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Babatunde pays tribute to his daughter

Babatunde bites a hole into the bubble in order to retrieve the task brief from within.

He makes no effort to delay the start of the task by using words starting with the letter ‘B’.

In the studio, there is a brief argument between Greg and Babatunde after Greg misinterprets something he says about making bubble fluid himself for his kids as meaning that he likes to play with bubbles by himself at home.

For his attempt at the task, Babatunde begins by drawing a picture of his two-month-old daughter, who he says is beautiful, on a large pad of paper on an easel. He also adds a drawing of himself to the composition, along with the text ‘Daddies Girl!’ (which he quickly crosses out to replace with the correct spelling) and some hearts.

He then places some chocolate biscuits along the bottom of the pad of paper, and drapes a garland of flowers across the top of the easel, before waving two bubble wands around in front of it, to create some large bubbles.

Babatunde’s scene is filmed in slow-motion, with choral music playing over it, to make it seem more magical.

In the studio, Greg acknowledges that Babatunde’s attempt was “genuinely sweet”. After his drawing is shown again, Babatunde admits that he is ashamed of it, because he can actually draw, prompting Greg to lean into Babatunde’s catchphrase for the episode by stating “But you didn’t do art at school”.

Alex reveals that Babtunde had said the word ‘bang’ every time he drew something, and had also claimed that his sperm, genes, and DNA were all “elite”.

Greg ultimately awards Babatunde’s tribute to his daughter 4 points.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores