
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

David hallucinates a disco ball

David is the first to buzz in to answer the question about who is the tallest of Bill Nighy and Bill Bailey, and he correctly answers that it is Bill Nighy, so he is the fourth contestant to take a peek at the contents of the box.

He is then the first to buzz in to answer the question about who is the tallest between Gareth Southgate and Gareth Bale, but incorrectly answers that it is Gareth Southgate, so Alex rips his drawing out of his sketchpad, and he has to start again.

Reviewing David’s second version of his drawing, Greg is impressed, but questions what he’d drawn floating in the air above the ring. David admits that his focus had been on the centre of the arrangement, so he’d only caught in his peripheral vision that there was something on the edge of the ring, but he had not identified it was a chicken, so had instead drawn a disco ball. When Greg informs him that “in the trade”, this is “known as a hallucination”, he responds by stating that “that chicken’s lucky I didn’t grab it and smash it on the table” (referring back to his attempt at the ‘Do something you regret’ task).

Greg ultimately decides to award David 5 points for his more accurate representation of the person standing in the box.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores