
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hannah captures the model’s “deep, hollow black eyes”

Hannah buzzes in first to answer the second question about who is the eldest between Andy Murray and Colin Murray, and correctly answers that it is Colin Murray, so she gets to be the second to look in the box.

She is also then judged to be the first to buzz in to answer the question about who is the eldest between Gareth Gates and Gareth Southgate, and correctly answers that it is Gareth Southgate, so is the second contestant to get to take a second peek at the contents of the box.

She then buzzes in first to answer Greg’s repeated question about who is the tallest of Kat Slater and Judy Murray, and correctly answers that it is Judy Murray, so is the second contestant to take three peeks inside the box.

Reviewing Hannah’s drawing, Greg notes “It’s a woman. There’s tats. There’s a ghoulish, blank face, and deep, hollow black eyes.” He ultimately decides to award Hannah 4 points for her drawing.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores