
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jon's frustrating hill ascent

Jon first attempts to carry two of the balls, while kicking the third towards the hill. This plan quickly falls apart, as the kicked ball rolls back away from the hill, and he drops one of the others while running to retrieve it.

He eventually develops a method for rolling all of the balls up the hill together in a controlled manner, and manages to get them all to the very top. Unfortunately, a gust of wind then scuppers his good work, blowing the one ball he isn’t paying attention to back down the slope.

He manages to retrieve the ball without any of the others also being blown away while doing so, and holds them together on the mat until Alex confirms he has succeeded.

In response to Alex’s “Thank you”, he responds “Fuck you Alex”.

Back in the studio, Alex reveals that Jon took 6 minutes and 37 seconds to complete the task. When Greg offers to add a time penalty for Jon’s insult to Alex, Alex responds that he’d actually liked the experience of being insulted.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores