
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Katherine discovers lingonberries

Before even reading the task brief, Katherine correctly identifies that Fred is Swedish, based upon his appearance alone.

Katherine then decides to call her friend, the comedian Sofie Hagen – who is not Swedish, but Danish – to act as an interpreter. However, since the languages do have some similarities, Sofie is indeed able to identify that Fred’s greatest fear is a fear of failure, that his father works as a painter-decorator, and that his favourite meal includes fried onions and some kind of meat.

Katherine is able to narrow down the meat to hamburgers, and deduce by herself – based on the similarity of how the words sound – that his favourite meal includes ‘cooked potatoes’ [‘kokt potatis’], and then she eventually figures out, using a web search, that lingonberries are a thing (though she does, for a while, think that they might have another name in English).

Back in the studio, Alex reveals that she correctly discovered all six pieces of information in 15 minutes and 41 seconds, putting her in first place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

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