
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Igor completes seven tasks

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Igor's task order: fill the wheelbarrow; build a tower; knock over a bowling pin; put a hand on a hip; put the wheelbarrow in the shed; solve the jigsaw puzzle; hide the puzzle pieces. Igor uses most of the sponges to fill the wheelbarrow, and he has to restart the tasks because he is unable to make a tower with the remaining sponges. Igor is able to move the full wheelbarrow up some stairs and into the shed with one hand without anything falling out, as he pulls the wheelbarrow instead of pushing it. He also throws the ball at the pins and just barely misses hitting his sponge tower. He scatters the puzzle pieces all over the yard in a way that would have taken time to retrieve everything had he needed to start over. Unfortunately, Igor's sponge tower is 6cm too short. Eventually, Ivan rules that he will not disqualify the shorter towers. Igor completes all tasks in 25 minutes 49 seconds. He earns fourth place, presumably because of his tower height and the fact that he was quicker than Ante, who also had a short tower.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores