
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård doesn't blink (like, ever)

Bård ponders the definition of 'blinking', while holding his eyes open with sheer force of will.

He is seen sitting on the table, thinking gloomy thoughts, before a montage plays of him sitting in various different positions, looking bored.

At one point, he mentions offhandedly that his eyes are starting to sting.

He starts thinking out loud about the fact that he will have to go home and cook dinner at some point.

He then calls his wife, telling her that his son can make it home by himself, and that the kids will have to make do with sandwiches for dinner.

She asks him if he really hasn't blinked in one hour, and questions how important the contest really is. He agrees that it isn't important, but points out that he doesn't want to be worse than anybody else.

Another montage is then seen, showing Bård sitting, staring vacantly into the distance, with increasingly glassy eyes. He complains that the task has no stress, and is causing him no trouble, other than being extremely boring.

Eventually, he says that, while he has to leave, he doesn't want to give up. He asks if he can take a GoPro camera with him, and then proceeds to film himself while driving home. He briefly sings along to Don't Stop Believing, while driving, before stopping for what appears to be a McFlurry.

He eventually makes it home, saying to the camera that, while he's not sure how much time has passed, it's longer than the 10 minutes he had initially planned. He wishes the viewers a good weekend, and blinks intentionally and dramatically, causing one tear to slide down his face.

In the studio, he mentions that, for the next day and a half, he had double vision.

Bård earns first place, having kept his eyes open for a staggering 2 hours and 47 minutes. Atle notes that it's a bizarre thing to be praising somebody for.

(Written by Nic Greyson and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

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