
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Vegard is accused of mansplaining

As the footage of Vegard’s attempt begisn to play in the studio, several contestants can be heard muttering "hevert" ('siphon') – perhaps expecting that he would somehow try to siphon it full of something.

Instead, Vegard decides to fill the tent with smoke. He puts a small grill inside the tent, and places it on top of two breeze blocks.

He rambles about the best way to make smoke via ‘incomplete combustion’ as he chops wood, explaining that to get the most smoke one needs to make an inefficient fire.

He starts a fire in the grill, and throws green spruce boughs onto it to produce more smoke.

As the fire burns, Vegard sprays the top of the tent with a hose to keep it from catching on fire, which results in the tent steaming.

He opens the tent and chokes on the smoke, then asks Olli for his opinion. Olli concurs that the tent is full of smoke.

In the studio, Atle calls Vegard out for over-explaining what he was doing, to the point of accusing him of mansplaining. Vegard tries to defend himself by pointing out that he's a man who has hit his forties (implying that it just comes naturally at this point). Atle isn't swayed, and decides to drop Vegard down to third place.

(Written by Nic Greyson and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores