
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård lifts some owl-DNA

Bård bemoans the low budget they have been given, and decides to "enter helium land", asking Olli to fetch him as large a helium balloon as possible.

When Olli returns with a barely-floating Minnie Mouse balloon (presumably the budget did not cover enough helium to actually fill it), Bård appears both frustrated and impressed by Olli’s deviousness. He points out that the balloon can’t even lift the weight of its own string, and will only float sideways.

He attaches the owl to the balloon, and pretends that it has soared up and out of sight, before shouting "Awful!" at the balloon, which is lying on the ground.

He continues to chastise it, saying "Miserably delivered, Minnie Mouse.", and thus coins the episode's title.

To attempt to get something airborne, he decides to try using only a portion of the owl. He attempts to justify this strategy by citing Lars Monsen’s show Ingen Grenser ('No Borders', based on the UK show Beyond Boundaries) wherein participants with various physical limitations achieve impressive wilderness expedition goals.

He cuts the head off of the owl and removes the stuffing, but it is still too heavy for the sad helium balloon to lift. He ultimately ends up attaching just one of the owl's eyes, with a bit of fluff around the edges, in order to get part of it into the air. He releases the balloon, and it slowly floats upwards, passing the heights achieved by Maria, Vegard, and then Calle’s owls, with dramatic pauses along the way as it slowly drifts along.

In the studio, there is some debate about whether Bård's attempt should be allowed, but the Ingen Grenser argument wins Atle over as, even though participants on that show weren’t always "whole" human beings, their accomplishments still counted. As he managed to get some "owl DNA" the highest, Bård earns first place.

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

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