
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hadi the inexperienced chef

When introducing Hadi’s attempt, Mark describes Hadi as someone who has “little experience in the kitchen and even less respect for hygiene.” It’s soon obvious as to why: nearly everything in Hadi’s dish is woefully – arguably dangerously – undercooked.

Hadi’s dish is presented like a giant calzone, made of puff pastry, inside of which there is an entire chicken.

Inside the chicken is some sort of sausage roll, as well as some sort of filled pasta shell.

While Mark does try a bite of every part of Hadi’s meal, he does not seem to swallow any of it.

Mark’s reactions range from trying to surreptitiously spit out bites into his napkin, to outright spitting the food back onto the plate.

In the studio, Hadi insists that he stands by his creation, but admits that the only thing he knows how to cook is an omelette.

Lasse awards Hadi last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores