
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Petra’s goofy band

None of Petra’s preparations are shown in the edit.

The footage of her attempt starts with her re-reading the task brief, to get the triggering line exactly right, as she tells Mark to turn off the lights.

When the lights come back on, Petra is dressed in a walrus kigurumi, and is miming strumming an upbeat tune on an acoustic guitar.

Behind her are several members of the production team, also dressed in goofy outfits, and miming playing various instruments.

As the tune they are supposedly playing turns into a somewhat recognisable version of La Cucaracha, a hesitant Mark joins the group as a keytar player, wearing Petra’s puffy blouse.

In the studio, Lasse says that he’d found Petra’s attempt entertaining, but also says that he knew at least one person would make a party in the room, so awards her fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores