
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Thomas spends half his time asking the same question

Thomas places the mannequin legs at an angle, with the intent of using them to guide the bowling balls to run down one side of the alley in single file.

He initially places the legs in the first section, but then moves them down to the second section.

He then places the bucket of water in the first section.

Thomas asks Mark if he’s allowed to tape down the crossbar which is holding the bowling balls in place, and then re-reads the task brief to see if it would be allowed.

Mark asks if he thinks it would be considered ‘altering’ the ramp (as prohibited in the brief), leading Thomas to throw down the task brief in frustration, accusing Mark of never providing a straight answer.

When Mark observes that being that way could be considered part of his role on the show, Thomas starts encouraging Mark to break free of his role, demanding that he just provide a straight answer as to whether or not the crossbar can be taped down.

When Mark declares that Thomas has less than a minute until the bowling balls will be released, Thomas tries presenting his question as a hypothetical: if he’d had enough time left, would he be allowed to tape the crossbar? He becomes even more frustrated when Mark simply defers the judgment to Lasse.

The bowling balls are released, and all 36 pins are knocked down.

Even afterwards, Thomas is unable to get a direct answer from Mark regarding the taping down of the crossbar.

In the studio, Thomas asks Lasse if taping the crossbar down would have been allowed, and Lasse simply replies with “Wouldn’t that be altering the ramp?”, leading Thomas to scream that he still doesn’t know.

As Thomas did not actually tape down the crossbar in the end, Lasse has no reason to provide a ruling as to whether or not he would have allowed it.

Despite having no pins left standing at the end of his attempt, Thomas ends up in third place simply by virtue of not having been disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores