
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sofie creates installation art

Sofie declares that she will tie the rope in places that Mark is not allowed to touch.

She then simply bunches much of the rope underneath her dress before sitting in the chair.

She points out that an accusation of inappropriate touching could ruin his career, especially now that he is about to launch his one-man show.

After the alarm sounds and Sofie has donned her boiler suit, she removes the garment again and returns to her original tactic.

She holds the majority of the ropes between her legs, under her dress, and declares that she is making a “chastity belt”.

She then also pulls some of the ropes over her shoulder, and knots them at her breasts, adding a piece of gaffer tape for good measure.

While tying herself to the chair, she refers to herself as “installation art” depicting the state of women, who are “constantly shackled”.

Mark re-reads the task, and says that he is required to free her, but Sofie responds by simply stating that she has not given Mark permission to touch her.

Mark sits down on a nearby chair, looking awkward, and says that the task will therefore take a while.

Sofie periodically reiterates that she does not consent to Mark touching her.

In the studio, Sofie pulls out a small piece of rope from her bra, declaring that she’s actually still doing the task.

She therefore frees herself in 8 weeks, 8 hours, 4 minutes and 34 seconds, and wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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