
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Karen builds, Dai manages toast, and Bubbah causes chaos

Dai immediately decides to take charge of managing the toaster. He uses his watch to work out, from the first push, how long the bread stays down.

Karen immediately takes charge of the construction of the windmill, laying out her plans to fashion its blades by creating two chains of lolly sticks fanning out from one another, with lolly stick crossbeams between them.

Dai pops the second piece of bread down before the time he expects the first piece to pop up, to be safe. After the first round of toast pops up, Dai deduces that the toaster takes 1 minute and 30 seconds per round.

Bubbah leaves Karen to deal with her windmill masterpiece, and alternately pushes down subsequent rounds of bread at Dai’s instruction. They also start to tear the pieces of bread in half so that they can get more time by making more rounds of toast.

Bubbah “skedaddles” to find something to use as the base of the windmill tower, while Dai and Karen manage the toasting and construction processes. Bubbah returns with a pool noodle and an oar, as well as a very loud air horn which she uses as she enters the room, making everybody jump. When Bubbah asks if the noise was really that bad, Karen responds by using the air horn herself, which makes Bubbah scream.

Karen manages to make six blades for their windmill, which they stick to the head of the oar as their final product.

With the clearly superior windmill, the team earns 5 points each.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)