
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah bends some air

Bubbah does a lot of her brainstorming while sitting in front of the candle.

In a discussion with Paul, she says that a simple blow would be pretty beautiful, but is obviously not an option.

She also suggests that using hairspray on the flame would be cool, but she is dissuaded from doing this by the production team.

She then waves her hands about while making whooshing noises, mimicking things she has seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender. One of the demonstrations does make the flame move a bit, which both Bubbah and Paul are a bit surprised about.

She then gets two pieces of paper, holds one in each hand, and keeps moving about dramatically while talking about Airbender.

At one point, she seems to just panic for some reason, and fans the candle out unceremoniously with one of the sheets of paper. She instantly regrets her action and asks if she can relight the candle to try again, but this isn’t allowed.

However, Paul lets her demonstrate what she had wanted to do for her attempt, which was to come out from under the table, flap the paper around a little bit, and then start doing larger swirls with the paper around herself, finishing off with a flourish of fanning the candles with large sweeps from both sheets of paper.

In studio, she apparently remains oblivious to the dangers of combining hairspray and fire. She also ends up in last place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)