
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah is glitter-blind

Bubbah gets up onto a chair and reaches the bowl, finding out that it is stuck to the plank above.

She manages to pull it off the ceiling and finds it to be empty, before proceeding to search several drawers in the study to try and find a bowl of glitter.

She then heads into the kitchen, where she finds and opens the fridge, but completely misses the bowl of glitter sat right out on the counter. She searches several cupboards and drawers in the kitchen, including some right below the bowl of glitter, but still doesn’t notice it. She also talks to Paul while they’re at opposite ends of the kitchen, with the bowl of glitter positioned right between them, but appears to be completely blind to it.

She heads back to the study and interrogates Paul, trying to make sure that the bowl of glitter is actually real. She decides that it’s probably not in the kitchen because “that would be too easy”. She also suspects that Paul might have the bowl, and so searches the couch on which he is sat.

She then performs a complete search of the house and its grounds, checking the lab, the lockers, the caravan, the bathtub, and the path to the lake.

She then returns to the kitchen and looks inside the fridge again. While in the kitchen talking with Paul, she looks almost directly at the bowl, and it is almost certainly in her peripheral vision several times.

Eventually, in the middle of a conversation, she suddenly spots it on the counter in front of her. She gets it into the fridge after 29 minutes and 57 seconds, but does not believe, until watching her attempt back in the studio, that the bowl had been there the entire time.

Unsurprisingly, she ends up earning last place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)