
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah underestimates Paul’s fitness level

Bubbah makes a bet with Paul that he can’t do more laps between the caravan and bathtub than she can. Paul accepts the bet after they put a 25-minute time limit on it.

While Paul is counting down to start the race, Bubbah fetches a bicycle and starts trying to ride it on the grass, but struggles to get going and still ends up starting behind Paul at the end of the countdown.

Paul stays far ahead of Bubbah for the first lap, and completes his second lap just as Bubbah reaches the bathtub for the first time.

Halfway through her third lap and Paul’s sixth, Bubbah ditches the ineffective bike and instead starts trying to sabotage Paul by getting in his way while he's trying to run.

Near the end of her fourth lap, Bubbah is already out of breath, and starts walking instead, while Paul powers through his tenth lap.

After his twenty-third lap (and with Bubbah just finishing her ninth), he mentions that he was the Year 6 Nelson inter-school running champion.

Bubbah gives up and sits down after her eleventh lap to watch Paul continue running.

At some point, someone gives her a bowl of crisps, and she snacks by the bathtub while cheering Paul on.

Paul also starts trying to motivate himself to continue, telling himself how much he loves it, claiming that it’s the closest you can get to flying, and calling himself a sparrow.

Bubbah slowly walks back over to the caravan with her bowl of crisps as the timer runs down, completing her twelfth lap.

Paul, meanwhile, completes 119 laps and states that he can taste blood in his mouth.

Bubbah earns last place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)