
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Karen’s multi-sport resistance training machine

Karen creates what she describes as “a multisport resistance training machine” by tying a variety of items found in the shed (including a rugby ball, a mini-trampoline, a cricket bat, a boxer’s helmet, a foot-pump, an oar, and a baseball bat) to a pool noodle with several pieces of rope and string.

Holding the pool noodle, she drags the collection of items behind her for a little while, before asking Paul to free the rugby ball from the device.

After he passes her the ball, she punts it, before returning to dragging the pool noodle.

She then asks Paul to retrieve the mini-trampoline from the device, before she performs 11 bounces on it and returns to dragging the pool noodle.

The next piece of equipment Karen uses from the device is a cricket bat, which she uses to hit a ball bowled by Paul.

She then extracts the boxer’s helmet and puts it on before doing some air-boxing.

She then asks Paul to pretend to be an inflatable boat, and she uses the foot pump to ‘inflate’ him, before using the oar to pretend to row.

Finally, she uses the baseball bat to hit another ball thrown by Paul.

She earns 2 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores