
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Karen slingshots some things beginning with ‘B’

Karen chooses the letter ‘B’, and collects items such as a “beacon” (cone), “blower”, bat, ball, and “beads” (abacus).

She fires a blue tennis ball first, missing all of the towers. She then fires a bowl and a rugby ball, also missing the towers.

She then re-reads the task brief and decides to interpret it as two separate instructions: “fire ammunition from the slingshot” and also “knock the fine china off the towers”.

She then walks to each tower, completely ignoring the slingshot, and uses the “beads”, the baseball bat, a bouquet, and the “blower” to manually knock the china off the towers.

She then tries throwing an item at the tallest tower, but misses and ends up knocking it over with her elbow instead.

She earns 5 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores