
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah, Dai and Karen paint a handsome horse, a dangerous duck, and a dangerous duck riding a handsome horse

Before Paul blows the whistle, the team of three try to discuss who is drawing what. Paul tells them to be quiet, and Dai says, sarcastically “alright Dad!”.

As they begin, Dai says “These photo realism classes paid off”, as he attempts to draw a dangerous duck. He asks his team to move slightly to the left for him, and they oblige.

Bubbah, who is drawing a handsome horse, draws the mane by using lots of circles, causing Karen to ask her to stop.

As Paul blows the whistle, Bubbah screams, causing Karen to drop her paintbrush.

Karen says her horse is the character Black Beauty, who was frolicking in the field when he was hi-jacked by the dangerous duck. Jeremy describes it as an homage to the late NZ artist Colin McCahon, and Karen earns 4 points.

Dai ask what is more dangerous than the green-eyed monster, jealousy. He says his duck, with its large green eye, is going to destroy the man who’s been making him a cuckold, with his gun. Jeremy gives Dai just 1 point.

Bubbah claims her horse has a handsome name (Jeremy) and was born with some “differences” (his teeth grew outside of his mouth, he has one blue eye, and he has a “big-ass Cindy Crawford mole” on his belly), and so would be a great advocate for “horses that look not like horses”. Bubbah earns 3 points.

(Written by JoGo and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)