
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julian turns to violence

Julian brings two pies out with him to meet Wayne. For some reason, he then goes to the back side of Wayne and pies him directly in his “back”. Alex reminds him that Wayne is meant to be pied in the face so, after the required dance break, Julian tries again.

He waits for Wayne to dip down low enough and flings his remaining pie towards Wayne’s face. This throw comes close, but does not make contact.

After another (unenthusiastic) dance break, Julian returns to the house to fetch more ammunition.

During his next dance break, Julian expresses his disdain for the task to Alex by means of a pun, telling him that his dancing enthusiasm (such as it ever was) has “waned, as it were”.

Julian then heads to the shed and emerges with a swing ball pole, with which he plans to lasso Wayne and pull him closer. He lands a well-timed swing on Wayne while the air dancer is bending down, and ends up pulling Wayne completely off of his power source and onto the concrete driveway.

While Julian initially looks embarrassed, he quickly recovers with a glib, “That’s not my problem, is it?”, and drags Wayne over to Alex. He then retrieves his pie from Alex and throws it down on top of Wayne.

Julian pies Wayne in the face in 3 minutes and 32 seconds, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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