
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy uses the flag

Having been told not to step on the red green by Antoine, Tammy crawls across it to retrieve the task brief.

After reading the brief, she throws the potato at the hole and misses, but the potato rolls across to the other side of the red green, allowing her to easily retrieve it.

Tammy tries throwing the potato again and, this time, it hits the flag and rolls back towards her.

Tammy – seemingly having only remembered Antoine’s warning to not step on the red green – then crawls across it to remove the flag. She then throws the potato at the now unobstructed hole.

When one of her throws misses and she cannot easily retrieve the potato, Tammy uses the flagpole to push it towards the hole.

Eventually, Tammy gets the idea to tuck the potato into an opening in the flag, and then just drop the potato into the hole. Unfortunately, the potato drops from the flag too early, and the potato rolls away from the hole.

Tammy does not try this dropping method again, instead using the tip of the flagpole to sweep the potato into the empty hole. Antoine stops the clock, and Tammy – still abiding by his warning not to step on the red green – crawls back across it to retrieve the potato.

Tammy is disqualified from the task for touching the red green.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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