
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin’s mother backs him up

Kevin brings in a bag of soil, which also includes a single tomato. Mona jokes that Kevin is growing mushrooms at home, and Marie-Lyne questions if Kevin has just brought in his composting.

Kevin insists that he actually enjoys gardening, and claims that he grow his own tomatoes, cucumbers, and parsley.

He has proven throughout the show that he is not one to exert himself unnecessarily, so everyone is doubtful that he would do something as labour-intensive as gardening.

Kevin insists that he is telling the truth, and offers to call his mother, Rose, for confirmation. Louis – suspicious that Kevin’s mother is actually the one taking care of the garden – takes over the conversation, after Kevin explains that he is currently recording an episode of the show, asking her if Kevin really does garden, and Rose confirms that he actually does.

When Phil asks her what Kevin grows, exactly, she starts to list crops such as tomatoes and strawberries, before Louis cuts her off, asking if she’s certain that Kevin isn’t just taking credit for her work. Again, Rose insists that Kevin is the one doing the work.

Phil then takes the opportunity to ask Rose a follow-up question, relating to a previous prize task: in one word, how would Rose describe Kevin’s lasagna? Rose replies that it is excellent. The panel and audience cheer, and Kevin ends the conversation.

Louis suggests that perhaps Rose should have been a contestant, instead of Kevin, and awards Kevin joint first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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