
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona actually scores

After reading the task brief, Mona looks around the area, noting the “huge runway” (paved walking area) running up the ski slope. She decides to use this to her advantage – it’s relatively smooth, it has slightly raised sides that could act as barriers, and the fact that it runs downhill means that gravity could do much of the work for her.

Mona relocates the goal to the bottom of the pavement, and walks up the hill, stopping midway up as the heat and physical exertion start to affect her.

In the studio, Phil finds Mona’s climb especially amusing, as she is effectively doing it all for nothing, as no-one else had managed to score.

Mona squats and releases the ball, letting it roll down the pavement. As expected, the raised sides keep the ball on the pavement, and gravity does all of the work, allowing Mona to successfully score a goal.

Her success surprises Louis, who admits that he had not imagined that “the one in 3-foot heels” would be the winner, in response to which Mona takes the opportunity to claim “another victory for the community”.

In celebration of her goal, Mona removes her wig and twirls it around her head, before ripping open her costume (revealing her bra-covered fake breasts), yelling that she is a “liberated woman”.

In the studio, Louis notes that his favourite thing about Mona’s celebration was the fact that it revealed that she stores her cigarette lighter inside her bra.

Mona scores a goal from 95 metres, and wins the task by default. She also earns 5 bonus points for her celebration.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores