
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pier-Luc argues for pay equality

Pier-Luc is not particularly threatened by the task, saying that he’s “been through many headphones in his lifetime”, implying that he’s had plenty of practice at detangling wires.

He is rather rough with the tangle of lights, throwing them around on the table with little care. When Antoine rhetorically asks if Pier-Luc thinks the lights are fragile, Pier-Luc intelligently responds by questioning whether the aim of the task is for the lights to actually work afterwards, or just be untangled. When Antoine affirms that the task brief just says ‘untangle’, a grinning Pier-Luc tells Antoine to “pick a lane”.

As this was a prank task assigned only to Pier-Luc, not much additional footage is shown beyond some short clips, shown before and after the subsequent ad break. He does, however, finally manage to untangle the lights, and then back-hands a decorative Santa Claus onto the floor on his way out of the lab.

In the studio, Pier-Luc points out that all five contestants had earned the same wage to appear on the show, but that since he had performed an extra task, he had worked nearly two hours longer than everyone else (though, according to Louis, Pier-Luc only took 17 minutes to actually complete the task). He argues that he should therefore be reimbursed for his extra time.

Louis tends not to award points for prank tasks, and Pier-Luc is no exception.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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