
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ingrid is paralysed by indecision

In the studio, after the task brief is first read, but before the contestants’ attempts are shown, Atle notes that this task could cause some people to become “hotheaded”, and says that he would wager his house, keys, and all of his personal property that one of those people would be Ingrid.

After her time begins, Ingrid quickly starts reading the task brief a second time, while removing eggs from the blender two at a time, in a panic. When she gets to the part forbidding her from touching the eggs, she cries out and then starts putting them back into the blender.

She then continues to re-read the task brief, while remaining inside the lab. After pausing with indecision, Ingrid then hesitantly picks up the blender, checking with Olli to see if she has broken another rule.

However, she is once again paralysed by hesitance or indecision, and then her time runs out, at which point Olli turns on the blender while it is still completely full of eggs. Ingrid manages to pour four eggs out of the blender and onto the table just as he does, but two of them immediately roll off of the table and crack on the floor. Ingrid then continues pouring out the contents of the switched-on blender, creating a goopy mess on the table.

In the studio, Ingrid compares the stress and chaos of the whole task to giving birth.

Atle points out that Ingrid had already been disqualified when she’d touched the eggs, and could have saved herself a lot of hassle by just leaving at that point. Ingrid is indeed disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)