Episode 1: It’s not your fault

Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in the best thing they can only just carry, do something impressive under a table while waving, catch a rat, deliver some plates to Alex, and stack their buckets in a tower.
Title context
'It’s not your fault' was something Mike Wozniak said to Alex Horne about the rain during the 'Deliver all the plates to Alex' task.
Alternate Titles
- On Denmark's TV2 Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Det er ikke din skyld', which translates as 'It's not your fault'.
- On Finland's MTV Katsomo streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Se ei ole sinun syytäsi', which translates as 'It's not your fault'. [Translator credit: zador]
- On Sweden's SVT Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Säg hej till balalajkan', which translates as 'Say hello to the balalaika'. This is most likely referencing the 1980s ventriloquism sketch by Johannes Brost and Per Eggers, known as 'Säg hej till publiken', or 'Say hello to the audience'. It's also a reference to the 'Do something impressive under the table while waving' task, particularly Mike Wozniak's attempt. [Translator credit: DANI]
- On Norway's Discovery+ Norge streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Det er ikke din feil', which translates as 'It's not your fault'. Note: this Norwegian translation of the title only appears in the subtitles for the episode, whereas the episode title listed on the platform is the original English title. [Translator credit: Jan Harald]
- On Portugal's RTP Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Culpa nao é tua', which translates as 'It's not your fault'.
Taskmaster Intro
Hello. I'm Greg Davies. Welcome to a brand-new series of Taskmaster. People have accused me of having a god complex on this show. Well, I've got bad news for you - I've talked to God and he said, 'You got dis.' And he's right - I do got dis. And by 'dis', I mean my golden bonce of victory. And to battle for it we have five new gladiators, all of whom have two things in common: they're happy to throw away their careers; and they can no longer back out, because they've signed a contract. The audience are watching this at a later date and at a safe distance, so, without further ado, let's meet the cast and get this magnificent competition under way.
Assistant Intro
And next to me, a man who once told me that he's got no respect for the military, and that if any soldier came up to him in public, he could easily have them, cos they're all stupid. It's little Alex Horne!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
So, what have we learnt today? We've learnt that if you're a new parent, you're struggling to get your child to sleep, why not book Sarah Kendall to bring some plates round? The whole house will be fast asleep in seconds. And yet, she comes out on top tonight. So, let's hear it for our winner, Sarah Kendall!
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Official podcast episode
Episode stats

Episode scores
There are some discrepancies between the official total scores for this episode and the points seen to be awarded during the episode. Both sets of scores, and the discrepancies between them, are displayed below.
Notes on discrepancies
- Mike is observed to be awarded 3 points for 'Catch the rat' and 3 points for 'Deliver all the plates to Alex', and Sarah is observed to be awarded 3 points for 'Catch the rat' and 4 points for 'Deliver all the plates to Alex'.
- However, the scoreboard shown after the latter task shows Mike having gained 7 points and Sarah having gained 6 points, since the previous scoreboard.
- No scoreboard was shown after the 'Catch the rat' task, so it is unclear when this discrepancy occurred.
- The final scores for both the episode and the series reflect this difference in the points, though it did not ultimately affect the contestants' final standings in either case.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Red Bee Media
- Polish Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc