Follow the links below for insights into the world of the international Taskmaster franchise. There's more to come soon - check back later!
Contestant Points per Task Leaderboards
Find out which contestants have earned the most points per task attempted across all Taskmaster franchise shows, or for just a specific show. You can also segment the leaderboard data to view only full-season contestants or only guest & special contestants, and/or to focus on a specific category of tasks (e.g. team task, creative tasks, or live tasks). Just select the options you're interested in from dropdowns below, and click on the search icon to open the relevant version of the leaderboard.
Contestant Task Wins Leaderboards
Find out which contestants have won the greatest percentage of the tasks they attempted across all Taskmaster franchise shows, or for just a specific show. You can also segment the leaderboard data to view only full-season contestants or only guest & special contestants, and/or to focus on a specific category of tasks (e.g. team task, creative tasks, or live tasks). Just select the options you're interested in from dropdowns below, and click on the search icon to open the relevant version of the leaderboard.
Contestant Task Disqualifications Leaderboards
Find out which contestants have received the most disqualifications across all Taskmaster franchise shows, or for just a specific show. Just select the option you're interested in from the dropdown below, and click on the search icon to open the relevant version of the leaderboard.
Contestant Episode Wins Leaderboards
Find out which contestants have won the most episodes across all Taskmaster franchise shows, or for just a specific show. You can also segment the leaderboard data to view only full-season contestants or only guest & special contestants. Just select the options you're interested in from dropdowns below, and click on the search icon to open the relevant version of the leaderboard.
Taskmaster Leaderboards
- Taskmaster Discretionary Bonus Points Leaderboard: Find out which Taskmasters have given out the most discretionary bonus points per task assigned (i.e. bonus points which are not dictated by the task brief itself).
- Taskmaster Discretionary Deduction Points Leaderboard: Find out which Taskmasters have deducted the most discretionary points per task assigned (i.e. deductions which are not dictated by the task brief itself).
- Taskmaster Disqualification Leaderboard: Find out which Taskmasters have given out the most disqualifications per task assigned.
Episode Naming Leaderboards
- Contestant Episode Naming Leaderboard: Find out which contestants have named the most episodes.
- Host Episode Naming Leaderboard: Find out which hosts have named the most episodes.
Task Adaptation Leaderboards
- Tasks Adapted by the Most Shows Leaderboard: Find out which tasks have been adapted by the most different Taskmaster franchise shows.
- Tasks Adapted the Most Times Leaderboard: Find out which tasks have been adapted the most times across the Taskmaster franchise.