Rødovre Skating Arena

Rødovre Skating Arena is an ice skating rink in Rødovre, Copenhagen, Denmark. The rink, which was opened in 1995, is home to both Rødovre Skating and Ice Hockey Club, and the Danish ice hockey league team the Rødovre Mighty Bulls.
In 2018, the rink officially changed its name to Rødovre Centrum Arena as a result of a name sponsorship from the Rødovre Centrum shopping centre. In 2024, the Danish moving company Holger Danske Flytteforretning took over sponsorship, and the rink became known as Holger Danske Arena.
Taskmaster connection
The location was used for the filming of the 'Remove the beach balls in the correct order' task, in season 2, episode 5 of Stormester.