
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Predict what other contestants will do

  • In this task the contestants are presented with one or more objects, and are asked to predict what one or more of the other contestants will do when presented with the same object(s), before doing something themselves.
  • If a contestant's prediction matches what the other contestant does, then both of them earn points.

Original version

Task types:

In this version of the task the contestants are presented with several objects, making their predictions more difficult.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task, the contestants are presented only with an apple, making the act of predicting what others might do slightly easier.
In this festive version of the task, the contestants are presented with a Christmas hat, a marzipan pig, and some jingle bells, and are asked to both do something with one of them, and predict what another specific contestant will do.
In this version, the objects are an apple, an airhorn, and a C$50 bill, and the contestant prediction assignments are not based on the alphabetical order of the contestants’ names.