
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Set the table, then remove the tablecloth

  • In this task, the contestants must first set a table, and then remove the tablecloth from the table.
  • Variations of the task have been used as both live and pre-filmed tasks.

Original version

In this live version of the task, the contestants are first instructed to decorate their tables as beautifully as possible, and only after they've done that are they instructed that they must remove the tablecloth. Also, the items they use to set their tables all secretly have point values assigned to them.


In this filmed version of the task, the contestants are aware of the full task prior to setting their tables, and can make as many attempts at it as they like, within the give time frame. There are also no points assigned to individual items which they can set their tables with.