
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Do the most different things in a limited time

  • In this task, the contestants must first write down on a chalkboard as many different actions as they believe they can complete within a limited period of time (e.g. 70 or 100 seconds).
  • They must then attempt to complete all of those actions in the given time window.
  • The contestants earn an in-task point for every action completed, but lose 5 in-task points for every action not completed.
  • In some versions, the contestants may also not earn points for completing any actions that were also completed by another contestant.
  • The winner is the person with the most in-task points.

Original version

In this version of the task, the contestants have 70 seconds to do as many different things as possible.


In this version of the task, the contestants have 100 seconds to do as many different things as possible. Also, they do not earn any points for doing something that another contestant has also done.