Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!
Here are the results we found on TMI for your search query.
Task: Do the worst thing and make the best apology (Stormester)
Task: Draw your own face on a face shield (Stormester)
Task: Make a movie cliffhanger (Stormester)
Task: Give the egg the best holiday (Stormester)
Task: Make a portrait of the Taskmaster using your 50 items (Stormester)
Task: Make and be seduced by a ventriloquist dummy (Stormester)
Task: Make a piece of art (Stormester)
Task: Perform the best magic trick (Stormester)
Task: Score a goal from the greatest distance (Stormester)
Task: Tell a joke in four photos (Stormester)
Task: Set a task / Guess who set the tasks (Stormester)
Task: Communicate pictures by drawing on your team-mate’s back (Stormester)
Task: Make the best thing to entertain a toddler (Stormester)