Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!
Here are the results we found on TMI for your search query.
Task: Something that creates a surprisingly good atmosphere (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Something you used to think was cool (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Something you would defend yourself with (Kongen Befaler)
Task: The thing you hated most as a child (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Something you shouldn’t have (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Something that makes Atle shudder (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Something you want the whole world to know you’ve got (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Something another contestant would like to win (Kongen Befaler)
Task: Something you might get in trouble for (Kongen Befaler)
Task: The most important ingredient in your recipe for success (Kongen Befaler)