
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lloyd reveals his obsession with 9/11

Before the task attempts are shown, Lloyd states that he feels that the task is impossible for him to win, since he doesn’t know some of the other contestants very well, including his partner Anne.

Lloyd decides that Anne is unlikely to know anything about jazz musicians, so starts out with the question ‘Which instrument did Miles Davis Play?’

He composes the question ‘What day of the week is the Mullumbimby market on?’ specifically for Wil, as he knows where Wil lives.

He also includes the questions ‘What is Tom Gleeson’s wife’s name?’ and ‘What is Tom Gleeson's waist size?’ because he is aware that Wil knows Tom quite well. When Tom Cashman questions how Wil would know Tom’s waist size, Lloyd suggests that as mates, they would try on each other’s trousers while “messing around”.

In an attempt to set a question that Wil would know the answer to, Anne wouldn’t, and Jenny and Josh might, he asks ‘Who was the most streamed artist on Spotify in 2023?’.

It’s unclear from the footage shown what his logic for including the remaining questions was, but he settles on ‘In which decade was the Sydney Opera House built?’, ‘Who directed The Godfather?’, ‘What are the ingredients of a Moscow mule?’, ‘What did Steve Jobs die of?’, and ‘On 9/11, which of the planned targets wasn’t hit?’.

Lloyd isn’t sure about the answer to the last question, which he’d though was The Pentagon, and had asked Tom Cashman to Google it, but then ran out of time (note: it’s believed that the intended target of United Airlines Flight 93 was the US Capitol Building).

In the studio, Tom Gleeson asks Lloyd why he keeps dragging 9/11 into a comedy show (referring to the fact that he’d previously brought up Osama bin Laden in the home video task, earlier in the episode. Anne encourages Lloyd to share some of “the theories” he talks about at home. Lloyd states that he wishes he could say that the two tasks were filmed closed together, but they weren’t.

The other contestants fail to come in the right order in the quiz, so Lloyd earns no points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores