
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The Discount Wiggles record a heart-warming family reunion

Jenny is very excited to see the camcorder on the table and picks it up, noticing it is already recording.

Wil suggests that they make a family reunion video, and Lloyd expands on this by suggesting that it should involve a soldier returning home from war.

The team’s video begins with the father, played by Wil, barbecuing parsnips and meatballs (although Wil refers to the parsnips as turnips), while drinking. The mother (played by Jenny) is behind the camera, talking about how they’re spending yet another Christmas without their beloved son, Lloyd.

Wil’s character points out that Lloyd is probably dead, and Jenny cries that she’d never gotten to hug him once in his entire life, Wil responds that you don’t hug boys, you just feed them “turnips and meatballs” and then they grow up to be “proper bloody men”.

Jenny then turns the camera on herself and speaks directly to her long-lost son, stating how much she misses him and wishes he was home so she could give him a hug. She then asks Wil if he wants to record a message for their son, but he tearfully declines.

Suddenly, in the background, Lloyd appears, dressed in military attire and with a camouflage net draped over his shoulders. Lloyd announces his presence by saying “Mum, dad, Private Lloyd reporting for family reunion Christmas”. He hugs Jenny, and then Wil shakes his hand, while showing him the Christmas meatballs and turnips.

While Lloyd explains that he’s been overseas on top secret duties, Jenny joins the pair in frame. When Jenny and Wil remind Lloyd that he can tell them anything, he implies to them that he’d been part of the Seal team which killed Osama bin Laden. This disclosure makes Wil so proud that he has to shake Wil’s hand again, before giving him the first hug of his life, which Jenny joins in on.

As the video ends, Lloyd says “That’s the first time dad has touched me not in violence.”

In the studio, Tom Gleeson asks whether it was necessary for Lloyd to remind everyone of the events of 9/11 during a comedy show.

Tom also asks Wil if the hug he’d given Lloyd was the hug he’d have liked to have received from his own father. Wil agrees that it was, and argues that this is why it was “so authentic”.

Tom then asks Jenny, who makes a lot of TikTok videos, if it had been difficult for her to make a video that was so long, and in landscape format. She responds that she’d seen the red light on the camera, and then how grainy the footage was, and thought it looked like a TikTok filter.

The Discount Wiggles earn 4 points each.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)