
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jack is too rough with the wax seal

Jack immediately breaks the rules of the task by starting to read the first part of the task brief out loud, but then stares impassively at the correct camera for the required length of time.

He then pretends to swat a fly against his own face, before putting it into his mouth and chewing on it.

As he attempts to identify the correct letters on the task brief, he loses count, and checks in with Alex to confirm whether this will matter (which Alex confirms it will). He eventually shares that he’s come up with the word ‘seal’, which he acknowledges has “a nautical feel to it”. When Alex confirms that this does sound relevant, Jack interprets ‘look under the letters’ as meaning that he needs to look underneath the table on which the task brief is laid.

As Alex attempts to hint at Jack that he should look under what the letters spell out, Jack decides that the word ‘seal’ is not correct, leading Alex to helpfully suggests that perhaps it is, in fact, the word he is looking for.

Jack eventually takes all of Alex’s helpful direction on board, but does not initially consider the wax seal on the envelope, and so begins searching the room for the marine mammals instead. After looking at a walrus, a shark, and a sea lion, he notices the wax seal, but then rips it off too hard, removing the text beneath along with the wax.

While Alex leaves the room to source a fresh copy of the sealed task brief from the production team, Jack attempts to melt the wax off of the scrap of paper it’s attached to, and piece together the objective of the task from the few fragments he can salvage, but he is still missing the important first line.

Jack apparently has enough time to request and start drinking a mug of coffee while the fresh task brief is being sealed for him. He then carefully removes the wax seal from the new envelope, and says the word ‘quick’.

In the studio, when Greg asks Jack what had gone wrong, Jack claims that he’d spotted that the show had “come up with a duff task”, and that he’d therefore decided to “get some mileage out of it” by finding “some stuff”. Having Heard Jack’s explanation, Greg asks whether he should then cross out what he’d written down, while watching it: “This all feels a bit, ‘Grandad’s not settled into his home yet.’”

Alex initially reveals that Jack had completed the task in 30 minutes and 41 seconds. However, he then shows some additional footage which reveals that Jack had unwittingly said the word ‘quite’ after just 3 minutes and 32 seconds, and this wins him the task and 5 points.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores