
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Say a word beginning with ‘Q’

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The task brief is laid on the table in the living room. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Do not say any of this out loud.

You must carry out each instruction before reading the next.

You must remain silent until you’ve completed all four instructions.

Stare at camera number one for at least 30 seconds without smiling.

Eat an imaginary fly that has just landed on you. Act like you don't like how it feels in your stomach at all.

Look under the 6th, 33rd, 56th, and 91st letters of this task.

Hidden underneath the wax seal on the task brief:

Say a word beginning with ‘Q’.

Fastest wins.

Your time started when you stared at the camera.

Task notes

  • All of the manned cameras in the room have labels on them, indicating whether or not they are camera number one (‘Not this one’, or ‘Camera number one’).
  • The 6th, 33rd, 56th, and 91st letters of the task brief are ‘S’, ‘E’, ‘A’, and ‘L’, spelling out the word ‘seal’, so the contestants are being instructed to ‘Look under the SEAL’.
  • As red herrings, a large number of figurines and plush toy seals and other aquatic mammals have been placed around the room, which is also in keeping with the nautical theme of the house’s decoration for the series.
  • If the contestants carefully peel the wax seal off of the task envelope, they find the actual objective of the task printed beneath it.

Task stats
