Season 8

Studio filming dates:
12/02/2024 - 19/02/2024
Air dates:
07/06/2024 - 19/07/2024
Season synopsis
The eighth season of Stormester aired between the 7th of June and 19th of July 2024.
Filming of the studio sessions took place between the 12th and 19th of February 2024.
The cast was comprised of Carsten Eskelund, Mathias Helt, Natasha Brock, Puk Elgård, and Tobias Dybvad.
- On the 3rd of January 2024, it was announced that filming of the live studio sessions for season 8 of Stormester (plus the 2024 Christmas special) would take place between the 12th and 20th February 2024, with tickets going on sale via from the 8th January 2024.
- On the 5th of January 2024, it was revealed that the cast of contestants for the season would consist of Carsten Eskelund, Mathias Helt, Natasha Brock, Puk Elgård, and Tobias Dybvad.
- On the 15th of May 2024, it was revealed that the season would start airing from the 7th of June 2024.
Season stats

Episodes Aired

Official Points

Observed Points

Season scores
There are some discrepancies between the official total scores for this season and the points seen to be awarded during the season. Both sets of scores, and the discrepancies between them, are displayed below.
Notes on discrepancies
- For some reason, the final season scoreboard shows Mathias and Natasha with 3 points less than they were seen to be awarded, Puk with 2 points less than she was awarded, and Tobias with 4 points less than he was awarded, during the season.
- The cause of these discrepancies is not known, since no season scoreboard updates were given during the season, and the scoreboards shown at the end of each episode appear to have matched exactly what points were observed to have been awarded during those episodes.
- Although this did not affect who was named as the winner of the season, it did affect the other placements slightly, as Natasha and Puk both earned 99 points and so should have shared second place, while the official scoreboard puts Puk in second and Natasha in third.
The world's sweetest cousin
Carsten calls a locksmith
It takes a year
For some, armpit hair is exotic
The potato in the definite singular
Linie 3 looks like ones