
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Season 1

Cover image for the first season of the Australian show Taskmaster AU, picturing the cast of the season.
Studio filming dates:
05/12/2022 - 10/12/2022
Air dates:
02/02/2023 - 06/04/2023

Season synopsis

The first season of Taskmaster AU, consisting of 10 episodes, began airing on Channel 10 And 10 Play on demand on 2 February 2023, and features the contestants Julia Morris, Nina Oyama, Luke McGregor, Jimmy Rees, and Danielle Walker.

Filming for the live studio segments took place at NEP Studios in Eveleigh, New South Wales, between the 5th and 10th of December 2022.


  • On 6 October 2022 it was officially announced by Avalon and the Australian TV channel Channel 10 (after several months of online rumours) that an Australian version of Taskmaster was in production, and would begin airing in 2023.
  • Chief task writer for Taskmaster NZ, Sam Smith, shared that he had been involved in writing tasks for the new version of the show, and also confirmed that the show was being filmed in New Zealand.
  • On 22 November 2022, applications for tickets to attend the filming of the live studio segments opened up via thatstheticket.com.au, with sessions scheduled to take place at NEP Studios in Eveleigh, New South Wales, between the 5th and 10th of December 2022.
  • On 14 January 2023, the first official trailer was released, along with a starting air date for the season of 2 February 2023.

Season trailer

Official episode playlist

This is a playlist of official episode videos from this season. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.

Task playlist

This is a playlist of official full task or task highlights videos from this season. For non English language versions of the show, most of these videos do not have English closed captions.

Season stats

Episodes Aired
Points Awarded




Season scores

Notes on discrepancies

  • At the end of episode 5 of this season, Danielle's score, as shown on the final scoreboard, was 1 point lower than it should have been (she was awarded 2 points in the final task, but her score was only incremented by 1 point).
  • However, this discrepancy was fixed before the season finale, so the final season scoreboard shown is correct.


Image of a red croc with some orange peel inside of it (a reference to the 'Fill the glass with orange juice' task), with the episode title, 'Foot juice', superimposed on it.

Foot Juice

Image of a plastic giraffe in front of a bathtub on a lawn (a reference to the 'Perform the most passionate cricket appeal' task), with the episode title, 'Cricketmaster', superimposed on it.


Image of a large blob of generic yeast spread (a reference to the 'Spread yeast spread on the best thing / Completely clean the best thing' task), with the episode title, 'BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM', superimposed on it.


Image of a bucket of popcorn on a desk, surrounded by figurines of birds and cats, a mannequin's hand, and a world globe (a reference to the 'Protect the popcorn' task), with the episode title, 'Are you okay?', superimposed on it.

Are you okay?

Image of a canvas drop-cloth spattered with paint, and with two bottles of poster paint laid upon it (a reference to the 'Paint an accurate map of Australia' task), with the episode title, 'Dumb in unison', superimposed on it.

Dumb in unison

Image of milk spilled over a stainless steel table (a reference to the 'Throw a tantrum' task), with the episode title, 'Sorry for your loss', superimposed on it.

Sorry for your loss

Primary Locations