
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Babatunde chooses the wrong camera

Babatunde is at first unable to identify which camera is ‘camera one’, and ends up initially looking up at a ceiling-mounted camera instead, before realising his mistake, and impassively staring down the barrel of the correct camera.

He then pretends to spot a fly on his arm, which he swats with his hand before putting it into his mouth, chewing it, and then pulling a face as if it did not taste good.

Having correctly identified the first three letters of ‘seal’, Babatunde incorrectly guesses that the fourth letter is ‘N’. When he eventually identifies the correct last letter, he looks around the room and spots a plush seal toy on the sofa. As he picks this up to look underneath it, Alex says “Ah, not that seal”, so Babatunde looks around the room further, discovering several other plush toy seals and a figurine, but finding nothing beneath any of them.

Eventually, he investigates the wax seal on the envelope, peeling it off carefully to find the actual task objective beneath. He then says the word ‘quiet’.

In the studio, Greg points out to Babatunde that the “seal misdirection” was “the sort of thing this little nerd loves to do” (referring to Alex), and asks Babatunde how it had made him feel, as a contestant. Babatunde responds that he’d just been thinking to himself “Who’s coming up with this nonsense?”. When he acknowledges that he’d “messed up”, Greg announces to him that he’s “come to the right show, to mess up”.

Alex reveals that Babtunde had completed the task in 17 minutes and 59 seconds, which earns him just 1 point.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores