
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Rosie becomes the Bubble Gum Fairy

Rosie initially pokes the plastic bubble containing the task brief, before laughing to herself. She then manages to pick a hole in it to let the air out.

She makes no effort to delay the start of the task by using words starting with the letter ‘B’.

Her first question is “Can I get naked? Cos that is beautiful.” However, she decides to move away from nudity for her actual attempt, which features her playing a character which she calls the Bubble Gum Fairy.

Rosie’s attempt takes place in the lab, where Alex is seated alone in relative dark until Rosie arrives, dressed in a tutu and fairy wings, and with fairy lights wrapped around her head and body. After introducing herself as the Bubble Gum Fairy, she taps Alex on the head with her bubble wand, and some lights turn on.

She then announces that she is there to grant Alex three wishes, but that he doesn’t need to tell her what they are, because she already knows. She first tells him that he wants more bubbles, and some bubble machines are activated, filling the room with bubbles, and making Alex smile.

The Bubble Gum Fairy then announces that Alex likes bubble gum, and taps him with her wand, making a bowl full of bubble gum appear in his hands. She then orders him to eat the bubble gum, despite his protests that he “can’t really do” it (meaning that he can’t blow bubbles). As Alex places pieces of the bubble gum in his mouth, the fairy keeps on insisting that he eat more of it, until he can barely chew due to how full his mouth is.

While Alex struggles with his mouth full of gum, the fairy then announces that his third wish is for the “bubble gum dance”. She then proceeds to walk around him while waving her wand and loudly singing “Bubble Gum Fairy”.

Finally, she instructs Alex to blow a bubble with his mouthful of gum, which he is unable to do, before announcing that she’s leaving and performing a “wand-drop”.

In the studio, Greg questions Rosie’s understanding of the word ‘beautiful’, but she claims that she’d nailed the task, in part by being “the most beautiful women alive”. Greg declines to comment on Rosie’s personal beauty, but shares that he’d found the Bubble Gum Fairy “quite irritating”.

Fittingly, Greg awards Rosie just 1 point for her performance.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores