Andy’s mosquito flob aftershave
Andy brings in another fictitious product (presumably also from ZaltzTec) in the form of ‘Mosquit-eau’ aftershave.
He explains that the aftershave is made out of mosquito saliva, which is what causes the allergic reaction that makes mosquito bites itch.
The reverse side of Andy’s aftershave bottle is then shown, revealing that the product is ‘personally endorsed by Task Master & 2019 Wimbledon champion GREG DAVIES’. There’s a photo of Greg’s face on the label, and the quote “Now I scratch my chin LIKE A REAL MAN”.
Greg awards Andy 4 points for his “very imaginative” prize.
(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)
(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)